Friday, February 29, 2008

Las Cuevas Beach Cleanup a Success!

MYSTIC HEMP and SURFING TNT teamed up for a beach cleanup at Las Cuevas. Although the turnout was a little lacking, the effort by the attendees really made up for it. We were able to fill up the tray of my Hilux 4 times with the amount of rubish removed from the beach.

Amoung those in attendance were SURFING TNT head judge JOHN TORREY and his kids. Seen here in the photo are Keith Lewis (SURING TNT president) and TROY HADEED (MYSTIC HEMP founder and owner).

As an added bonus, as if rewarding us for our effort, the BOWL at the end of the beach turned on all day and provided excellent relief in the form of head high, clean, grinding lefts and rights! An awesome day all round.

We hope that ALL members of SURFING TNT will make the effort to attend and participate in our next beach cleaning venture!

1 comment:

joshua said...

I feel compeled to say, because it's true, that this is one of the very best blogs I've ever visited yet!
